Sunday, November 25, 2012

Summer Fall 2012

80 cc engine kit for bicycle. It's been tooling around Preston.

Foster Res. Summer
Cody Moosman
Utah Idaho border

1st S. Franklin

Group of Elk at Banida.

100ish Elk on Larry Millers ground
Big buck seen Thanksgiving day E. of Preston.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

After the new gable went in, rapture rays.

Preston, Idaho. Shots taken about 19:15. Looking S. W.
They may have to sand blast the rest of the rock so it will all look the same. Or, wouldn't it be easier to darken the new rock?

There is sure to be more comprehensive photography at the following web page soon.
From 3rd East looking West, rapture rays.

Catholic church bottom left.