Thursday, October 23, 2008

P I Digital News 20 thru 26 October

Click Pics to blow them up.

Crazy Hair Day, Oakwood Elementary. Friday, 24 Oct.

West Cache Canal, one mile E. of Battle Creek monument,
N. W. of hot springs.

Next Friday....

1930 Model A Ford, E Oneida.

Friday Night Lights.
Played Burley.
Us, 55. Them, 7

New Puppy's like to play.

Friends of other faiths
may not understand the following
Editorial Cartoon.

Lets hope those of the predominant faith will.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Middle of October

Click pic's to enlarge.

Looking N W at Preston.

Deep canyon E of Franklin.


Very large blow snake.

Flowering cabbage, Preston.

Leave have started falling at the Franklin park.

Basic services are being laid S E of Preston. Notice the blue Harvestores are gone.

We had some snow. Maple Creek & Crooked Canyon.

Its about time for pheasant hunting.

Deer hunting opened.

Heating oil time.

Looking S W from Maple Creek Canyon.

The funeral of Michael D. Kunz was held Saturday, 18 Oct.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Digital News of 6-12 Oct May or may not answer.

Some pics are enlargeable.
Will add more pics over the weekend.

Bear River bottoms.

Behind this tree is the old home of Jim Doregetty who, when living in Germany, worked as a painter with a guy name Adolf Hitler.

The big one is as big as a softball.

Will this movie be the next Napoleon?

Fer sel @ Adventure land.

Silver leaf poplar.
When the wind blows,
the back of the leaves show silver.

We also have silver leaf Maples around town. Same deal.

Parson's post hole Jeep.

This roof blew in from somewhere
behind the sheds to the West and landed across the road.
Beckstead Lane.

Is this a bad sign?

This is a working water pump.

Deer season opened.

Turkey's behind a house on the East Franklin bench.

South end of Little Mountain.

South end of Little Mountain.

Boo house, North of Franklin.